Robert Gibson

Robert Gibson

Interculturalist and author of 'Bridge the Cultural Gaps: A toolkit for effective collaboration in the diverse, global workplace'. Based in Munich, Germany

Robert Gibson has over 30 years of experience in global competence development in business and education. He was responsible for intercultural training for the multinational engineering corporation, 'Siemens' AG from 2000–2018. He studied Modern History and Modern Languages at the University of Oxford and completed a Postgraduate Certificate in Education at the University of Exeter. He has taught English at the University of Munich, was an adviser on vocational education at the Bavarian State Institute for School Teaching and Educational Research (ISB) and was Head of Business Languages at the Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt. He is currently an Adjunct Professor for Cross-Cultural Management at the University of Bologna Business School, as well as a freelance trainer and consultant. His publications include Intercultural Business Communication (Oxford University Press, 2002), over 70 articles on Intercultural Communication for the magazine Business Spotlight, and his latest book is Bridge the Culture Gaps – a toolkit for effective collaboration in the diverse, global workplace (Nicholas Brealey 2021). He is a former Vice-President of the Society for Intercultural Education; Training and Research (SIETAR Europa). He is based in Munich.

Presentation title: Communication and Beyond – Trends in Intercultural Competence Development