Evelina Jaleniauskienė 

Evelina Jaleniauskienė 

Associate Professor, Faculty of Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities, Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania

Evelina Jaleniauskienė is Associate Professor at Kaunas University of Technology. She is a member of the research group on Language and Technologies at the Faculty of Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities. Her doctoral research focused on merging EFL teaching with the development of problem-solving skills in a university setting. Her current research interests lie in technology-enhanced language teaching, the action-oriented approach, project-based language learning, re-envisioning foreign language education and development of the 21st-century skills in higher education. Her latest research interests include the use of diversified multimodal learning artifacts and AI-powered tools in language education. Evelina Jaleniauskienė worked for the National Agency for Education in the process of modernizing the Lithuanian Language Education General Curriculum. She holds a certificate on conceptualizing, designing and assessing project-based language learning (PBLL) experiences from the National Foreign Language Center (the University of Hawaii at Manoa) and the Second Language Teaching and Research Center (the University of Utah). In addition, she actively works towards the promotion of the updated Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, Teaching, Assessment – Companion volume (Council of Europe, 2020). She has organized many international and national professional development events on designing PBLL and action-oriented language learning scenarios for university and K-12 language educators. 

Presentation title: Language Learning Through Action-Oriented Scenarios