Robert O'Dowd

Robert O'Dowd

Professor, Department of Modern Philology, Faculty of Philosophy and Philology, Universidad de León, Spain

Robert O'Dowd is full professor for English Studies at the Universidad de León, Spain. He has taught at universities in Ireland, Germany and Spain. He has published extensively on the application of Virtual Exchange in higher education and has coordinated 3 Erasmus+ projects, including the European Policy Experiment ‘Virtual Innovation and Support Networks for Teachers’ (VALIANT) (2021-2024). He collaborates with organizations on the promotion and integration of Virtual Exchange in higher education and his most recent book is Internationalising Higher Education and the Role of Virtual Exchange (2023, Routledge). He was recently listed in Stanford University’s ‘Ranking of the World Scientists: World´s Top 2% Scientists’. 

Presentation title: A Global Citizenship Approach to Virtual Exchange: Opportunities and Challenges